The Simmons College Natatorium

The Simmons College Natatorium
"Home Away from Home"

“Some people dream of great accomplishments, while
others stay awake and do them.”


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

October Swim Fest

The Simmons College Sharks hosted the third annual October Swim Fest, a masters mini-meet on Saturday, October 16th. The event was a huge success. We had over 50 swimmers for New Hampshire, Massachusetts and Maine. The fundraiser brought in close to a thousand dollars for the Sharks, and made for a very fun and exciting morning.

One of the meet's highlights was undoubtedly the "world debut" of a new stroke, invented by masters swimmer, B. Pollard of Maine... "The Eagle." Known to most swimmers as "double-arm backstroke" - although, the Eagle himself used much more undulation and turnover than I've ever witnessed!

Because the event was a sanctioned Short Course Meters meet (consistent with the fall season for Masters), we moved the bulkhead and the Simmons varsity program was able to get in a few METERS workouts for additional conditioning! Bonus.

Here are the Simmons women (schmoozing with the Masters swimmers)!

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