The Simmons College Natatorium

The Simmons College Natatorium
"Home Away from Home"

“Some people dream of great accomplishments, while
others stay awake and do them.”


Friday, November 27, 2009

Thanksgiving Workouts

Hey Team,

Here are a few workouts that you can do on Friday and Saturday if you're needing some inspiration during Thanksgiving Break. I hope that everyone had a great holiday and has enjoyed some time with family and friends.

Workout #1:

400 Swim, 300 Pull, 200 Kick
10 x 50 @ R:10 (odd = Drill, even = Build)

Rev Set:
3 x
50 EZ
100 Free (Build Each 25)
100 Free (Build entire 100)
50 Hard

Main Set:
6 x 200 (#1, 3, 5 = Specialty @ 80% - good technique)
4 x 150 (#1, 3 = Specialty @ 90%)
2 x 100 (#1 = Specialty @ 100%)

Cool Down:
150 EZ Cool Down....................4450 Yards

Workout #2:

300 Swim, 300 Pull, 300 Drill
8 x 50 Kick @ 1:10

Rev Set:
75 Build Free
3 x 25 Descend Stroke #1 (your choice)
75 Build Free
3 x 25 Descend Stroke #2 (your choice)
75 Build Free
3 x 25 Descend Stroke #3 (your choice)

Main Set:
3 x
100 IM
200 Stroke
300 Free (Extended Streamlines!)

Cool Down:
150 EZ Cool Down....................3700 Yards

See you Sunday evening at 4:00pm for practice!

Monday, November 9, 2009

The Team's New MASCOT!

On Friday, November 6th, the Simmons Swimming & Diving Team received a gift from Simmons Alum Ellie Blanton '59. "Every team needs a mascot!"

Oh boy, will we have fun with this remote control robotic SHARK!

Thanks Ellie!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

First Meet - Under Our Belt!


Congratulations on a great season-opener this past Saturday against Westfield State. While it was disappointing to lose to Westfield, I think we gave them a good run for their money. Rarely are four strong divers matched up against another four strong divers in a dual meet. Congratulations to those athletes that made New England cuts in the first meet: Nellie, Kaira, Amanda, Virginia, Alyssa M., Anastasia & Brittany. Also, huge props to Alyssa Musket for taking down the pool and school record in the 50 Freestyle, setting a new standard of 25.09. Not too shabby for the first meet! There were a number of races in which Simmons fought to the end. That is the type of swimming that I'm looking for. Way to go, team!