The Simmons College Natatorium

The Simmons College Natatorium
"Home Away from Home"

“Some people dream of great accomplishments, while
others stay awake and do them.”


Tuesday, November 3, 2009

First Meet - Under Our Belt!


Congratulations on a great season-opener this past Saturday against Westfield State. While it was disappointing to lose to Westfield, I think we gave them a good run for their money. Rarely are four strong divers matched up against another four strong divers in a dual meet. Congratulations to those athletes that made New England cuts in the first meet: Nellie, Kaira, Amanda, Virginia, Alyssa M., Anastasia & Brittany. Also, huge props to Alyssa Musket for taking down the pool and school record in the 50 Freestyle, setting a new standard of 25.09. Not too shabby for the first meet! There were a number of races in which Simmons fought to the end. That is the type of swimming that I'm looking for. Way to go, team!

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