The Simmons College Natatorium

The Simmons College Natatorium
"Home Away from Home"

“Some people dream of great accomplishments, while
others stay awake and do them.”


Friday, June 26, 2009

Swim Workout #9

3 x 300 Choice

Warm-up Set:
8 x 75 Kick/Drill/Swim by 25
odd = IM order
even = Free

Main Set:
350 Cruise Free (R:15) + 50 All-Out Specialty
300 Cruise Free (R:15) + 100 All-Out Specialty
250 Cruise Free (R:15) + 150 All-Out Specialty
200 Cruise Free (R:15) + 200 Great Technique Specialty

Kick Set: (FINS ON)
3 x ..........50 Kick
................50 Kick/Swim by 25
................50 Swim

Cool Down:
200 EZ...................................3750 Total Yards

Swim Workout #10

400 Swim
400 Pull
400 Kick/Drill by 25

20 x 25
......#1-5 on :35
......#6-10 on :30
......#11-15 on :25
......#16-20 on :20

Main Set:
3 x 250 (#1 = Pull, #2 = Neg Split, #3 = Max Effort)
3 x 200 (#1 = Pull, #2 = Neg Split, #3 = Max Effort)
3 x 150 (#1 = Pull, #2 = Neg Split, #3 = Max Effort)
3 x 100 (#1 = Pull, #2 = Neg Split, #3 = Max Effort)

IM Set:
3 x 50 Fly/Back by 25
3 x 50 Back/Breast by 25
3 x 50 Breast/Free by 25
...............WORK THE TURNS!

Cool Down:
200 EZ.......................................4450 Total Yards

Swim Workout #11

800 (alternate 150 Swim + 50 Kick)

Kick Set:
10 x 50 Kick
odd = Dolphin Kick on Back
even = 8Kick Switch

Main Set:
6 x.....50 Choice (Easy)
..........100 IM (Great Technique)
..........150 Free Pull (HR 150+)

Drill Set:
200 Swim - Extended Streamlines
200 Swim - 4 Dolphin Kicks off Each Wall
200 Swim - No breathing in/out of turns - USE DISCIPLINE!

Cool Down:
4 x 50 EZ.............................3900 Yards Total

Swim Workout #12

4 x 200 S/K/P/S

Rev Set:
6 x 50 Build
6 x 50 (12 1/2 Hard + 25 EZ + 12 1/2 Hard)
6 x 50 (12 1/2 EZ + 25 Hard + 12 1/2 EZ)

Main set:
200 Specialty
200 Free
2 x 100 Specialty
200 Free
4 x 50 Specialty
200 Free
8 x 25 Specialty
200 Free

Kick set:
4 x.....75 Kick (EZ) on back
..........:30 Vertical Kick (Elbows up)
..........25 UW Dolphin Kick

Cool Down:
200 EZ..........................3900 Yards Total

Monday, June 22, 2009

Hello Team!

Missing the Shark Tank yet?

Just wanted to pass along a few details about next season... The dates and site for the NEISDA Championships have been decided. We'll be heading up to Vermont (whoo-hoo!) to the Upper Valley Aquatic Center in White River Junction, February 19-21. This is a brand new state-of-the-art facility with 10 racing lanes plus a warm-up/cool-down area. We will be returning to a co-ed championship meet format (which has some pros and some cons). Divers will be competing at either Dartmouth College or Colby-Sawyer College, both within a short drive from UVAC with great equipment and spectator seating. Also, the qualifying times have been revised slightly and I will be posting those soon.

Life at Simmons this summer has been quiet, as Maria and Lauren can attest to. But with summer camps starting this week, it is sure the get a little more interesting around here soon. This week and next there will be a couple First-year Orientations. I am looking forward to connecting with some of the class of 2013 swimmers and divers.

I hope you're all enjoying a nice summer! Don't forget to WORKOUT!


Friday, June 19, 2009

Divers are you working hard?

Hi Divers (old and new). If at all possible please try to get on a board this summer, even if it's at the town pool! The more you do now, the better off you'll be in October. Also, be forwarned, we will have a tuck-up competition the first week of practice. You should be doing a minimum of 25 a day if possible. I hope everyone is enjoying the summer! More workout tips coming soon....

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Swim Workout #5

800 Swim (every 4th 25 = Non-Free)
Rev Set:
6 x 150 Pull
......Decend 1-3, 4-6
Main Set:
2 x 25 Hard @ :30
100 EZ
2 x 50 Hard @ 1:00
100 EZ
2 x 75 Hard @ 1:30
100 EZ
2 x 100 Hard @ 2:00
100 EZ
2 x 125 Hard @ 2:30
100 EZ
2 x 150 Hard @ 3:00
100 EZ
Kick Set:
600 Kick (alt. 100 EZ + 50 Hard...)
Cool Down:
150 EZ...................................4150 Yards Total

Swim Workout #6

300 Swim
300 Pull
300 Kick
Rev Set:
2 x.......3 x 50 Free Descend
............2 x 50 Choice Build
............1 x 50 8Kick/Switch (Free drill)
Main Set:
16 x 100 @ 1:20/1:30/1:40... you choose
#4, 8, 12 & 16 = All Out for time @ 3:00
Drill Set:
4 x [75 Kick + (Rest :05) + 25 Underwater]
Cool Down:
4 x 75 Easy..................................3800 Yards Total

Swim Workout #7

2 x........200 Swim
.............100 Pull
Rev Set:
10 x 50 Kick
...........Odd = with a board
...........Even = no board
Main Set:
3 x.........50 Stroke*
..............100 Free
..............2 x 50 Stroke*
..............200 Free
..............3 x 50 Stroke*
..............300 Free
*=50s are IM Order by cycle (no Free)
Cool Down:
200 EZ.................................................4000 Yard Total

Swim Workout #8

400 Swim
3 x 150 (Pull/Kick/Swim by 50)
Rev Set:
8 x 25 Build Free
6 x 50 Free (1 breath down, 2 breaths back)
8x 25 Build Non-Free
6 x 50 UW Kick/Dolphin K on back by 25
Main Set:
50 Easy Free
100 Moderate Free
150 Hard Free
...............(Rest 1:00)
100 Easy Free
150 Moderate Free
200 Hard Free
...............(Rest 1:00)
150 Easy Free
200 Moderate Free
250 Hard Free
...............(Rest 1:00)
200 Easy Free
250 Moderate Free
300 Hard Free
Drill Set:
12 x 25
.........odd = Freestyle Drill
.........even = Specialty Stroke Drill
Cool Down:
150 Easy........................................4400 Yards Total