The Simmons College Natatorium

The Simmons College Natatorium
"Home Away from Home"

“Some people dream of great accomplishments, while
others stay awake and do them.”


Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Swim Workout #8

400 Swim
3 x 150 (Pull/Kick/Swim by 50)
Rev Set:
8 x 25 Build Free
6 x 50 Free (1 breath down, 2 breaths back)
8x 25 Build Non-Free
6 x 50 UW Kick/Dolphin K on back by 25
Main Set:
50 Easy Free
100 Moderate Free
150 Hard Free
...............(Rest 1:00)
100 Easy Free
150 Moderate Free
200 Hard Free
...............(Rest 1:00)
150 Easy Free
200 Moderate Free
250 Hard Free
...............(Rest 1:00)
200 Easy Free
250 Moderate Free
300 Hard Free
Drill Set:
12 x 25
.........odd = Freestyle Drill
.........even = Specialty Stroke Drill
Cool Down:
150 Easy........................................4400 Yards Total

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