The Simmons College Natatorium

The Simmons College Natatorium
"Home Away from Home"

“Some people dream of great accomplishments, while
others stay awake and do them.”


Thursday, July 2, 2009

Injury Prevention & Light Strength Training

Hi Team,

In addition to the time that you're spending in the pool or at the gym, you might want to think about incorporating some stretch cord circuits into your summer workouts. 15 minutes with light or medium tension stretch cords three times a week in the off-season is great for injury prevention and to keep your precious shoulders well-conditioned. Here are some suggestions...

Lateral Raise
Start by standing on stretch cord, arms at sides (Frame 1). Simultaneously raise both arms straight out until they are parallel with the ground (Frame 2), pause for a moment and recover to starting point.

Bicep Curl/Shoulder Press
Start by standing on the stretch cord, arms at sides, palms up (Frame 1). Curl handles towards shoulders (Frame 2), rotate hands outward with knuckles facing back (Frame 3), press handles straight up and together (Frame 4), pause for a moment and recover to starting point.

Upright Row
Start by standing on the stretch cord, arms at sides, knuckles out (Frame 1). With hands together, raise handles to chest, keeping the elbows pointing towards the ceiling (Frame 2), pause for a moment and recover to starting point.

Fly Pulls
Start by standing about five feet from a vertical structure (with stretch cord wrapped around), bent at the waist with arms in front (Frame 1). Initiate the catch of the "butterfly" stroke with elbows up (Frame 2), pull handles towards stomach in an "in-sweep" (Frame 3), and press out for the "finish" or tricep press (Frame 4), recover back to starting point.

Tricep Press
Start by standing about five feet from a vertical structure (with stretch cord wrapped around), bent at the waist with elbows tucked into your sides (Frame 1). Extend arms straight back (Frame 2), pause for a moment and return to starting position.

Internal Rotation
Start standing next to a vertical structure with cord wrapped around. Use arm closest to the vertical structure (pole). With elbow against your side and knuckles facing the pole (Frame 1), rotate forearm bringing the handle across your stomach (elbow should stay against your side) (Frame 2), pause for a moment and return to starting point. (Left & Right sets)

External Rotation
Start standing next to a vertical structure with cord wrapped around. Use arm furthest from the pole. With elbow against your side and knuckles facing the pole (Frame 1), rotate forearm away from body (elbow should stay against your side) (Frame 2), pause for a moment and return to starting point. (Left & Right sets)

Back Flys
Start by standing about four feet away from a vertical structure with arms extended in front (Frame 1). Pull handles in an arch motion until hands are even with shoulders, but wide grip with open chest (Frame 2), pause for a moment and recover to starting position.

Chest Flys
Start with stretch cord wrapped around a vertical structure, standing about three feet away with back to pole, elbows bent and knuckles facing out (Frame 1), Press handles out and together (Frame 2), pause for a moment and recover to starting point.

Rows to Chest
Similar exercise to "Back Flys", but the grip does not change from narrow to wide. Instead, hands should stay shoulder-width apart through the entire exercise. Straight in (pause), straight out.

Trunk Twists
Start with stretch cord wrapped around vertical structure, standing a few feet away with body turned sideways. Knuckles of BOTH hands should be together and facing the pole (Frame 1). Keep feet stationary and arms straight, twist torso until both arms are facing away from the pole (Frame 2), pause for a moment and recover (use your abs, not your arms!)

You can purchase stretch cords at: I would recommend Green or Blue. (Product #801548). Try 2 or 3 sets of 10-15 reps for each exercise.

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